If you are not awake yet, you have not been paying attention.

10 months ago

The United States of Ukraine.
You are witnessing the continuation of the greatest theft in human history.
We are not “free”. We are slaves. Our labor is the energy source that fuels death and destruction around the globe.
And the politicians profit from our suffering…
About the photo:
If you think the additional funding passed by the US Congress for Ukraine will change the inevitable outcome of this conflict, Think again.
According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, well over $280 billion has been "given" to Ukraine.
Significant portions of which have been stolen, "lost," or "are untraceable"
For this, nearly 500,000 Ukrainians have died with Trillioms in damage done to the already desperately poor state. Ukrainian attempts at a counterattack were a catastrophic failure, and the Russian Army is today advancing.
$61 Billion more, the vast majority of which will be spent in the hugely profitable weapons factories of the USA and on Ukrainian goverment salaries and pensions, will simply extend the conflict, further enrich the corrupt elites in Kiev and lead to the deaths of what remains of the Ukrianian population of military service age.
The real reason this "extra" money has been approved is to "Save" political careers in Washington, not save the lives or "Freedoms" of Ukrainians.
If "Freedom" and the welfare of Ukrainians actually mattered, we would have had a negotiated Peace long ago, and an entire generation of young Ukrainian men would not be dead. Follow me @irishmaninrussia @boweschay on X
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment.
I'm not here to get likes or even followers but very pleased if you do.
If you see that I have posted a false or incorrect content PLEASE let me know.
My X account: https://twitter.com/AlgorythemQ

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