The Son of Man

10 months ago

Jesus often called himself the “Son of Man” as part of his interactions with people, which would have been a very ordinary thing to say, as it can simply mean "human being". However, Jesus was also speaking to his identity as the Messiah. In the Old Testament, the reigning sovereign was regarded as the representative of the nation, and Jesus must have looked upon himself as the representative of the people of God.
But what does the Bible say about the physical appearance of Jesus? The Veils of St. Veronica, the Divine Mercy image, and the Shroud of Turin all provide clues as to the true Holy Face of Christ. Pontius Pilate was the Roman Governor of Judea when Christ was crucified. He sent a report to the Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar of the events that took place regarding Jesus Christ. This report is contained in the non-condemned apocryphal Acts of Peter and Paul. In his report Pontius Pilate tells Tiberius Caesar that Jesus performed many miracles; that Jews delivered up Jesus to be tried and killed; that he crucified Jesus to prevent an insurrection by the Jews; that a worldwide supernatural darkness occurred when Jesus was crucified; and that the Old Testament elect were resurrected in their bodies on Sunday night at 9:00 pm (the third hour of the night according to the Roman day), which was accompanied by a supernatural light from the sun, angels appearing in the heavens, mountains and hills shaking, a great chasm revealing hell and Abraham’s Bosom, Christ-denying Jews falling into the hell of the damned, and the destruction of all the synagogues in Jerusalem that opposed Jesus excepting the one that did not. The authenticity of Pilate’s report to Tiberius Caesar is attested to by a Catholic commentary, the heretic Eusebius of Cesarea, and the heretic Tertullian.
But even in this letter the physical characteristics of Jesus were not there. All we have to satisfy our curiosity about the true physical appearance of the Lord is the relics he left behind for us and I have compiled some of this evidence and presented it for you in this video.

Source File Links:

Pilate’s Report to Tiberius

• God Caught On Camera - Real Footage o...


• Jesus Sighting (expanded)

• Proof Jesus Is Real 🤯 #shorts

• The Coming of a False Peace

• Ernest Borgnine on the film "Jesus of...

• Faith of Centurion

• True image of Jesus Christ on the Shr...

• Body of Christ recreated from the Tur...

• Shroud Of Turin: Research Suggest Jes...

• Shroud Of Turin 2010 - The real face ...

• "The True Face Of Jesus Christ" found...

• Behold The Face of Jesus! 14 Miraculo...

• The Face of Jesus


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• Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caes...

• The real Jesus Video?

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