Egypt in the End Times

10 months ago

Adolph Hitler hoped and prayed that he was this antichrist that the Bible spoke of. Hitler may have been a deranged maniac; he did at least know a thing or two about what the Bible said. And as he went through Europe swallowing up nation after nation, he was convinced more and more that he would be this man.
(it’s strange; he wanted to fulfill the scriptures that spoke of the antichrist’s power; I wonder how he thought he would then stop the scriptures that spoke of Jesus returning and casting the antichrist into hell. but like I said, Hitler was deranged.)
The book Hitler’s Cross by Ewrin Lutzer: Hitler offered himself as a messiah with the divine mission to save Germany. On one occasion, he displayed the whip he often carried to demonstrate that “in driving out the Jews I remind myself of Jesus in the temple.” He declared “Just like Christ, I have a duty to my own people.” He even boasted that as Christ’s birth had changed the calendar, so his victory over the Jews would be the beginning of a new age. “What Christ began,” he said, “I will complete.”
Well, Hitler didn’t get his wish. Not that he didn’t accomplish a lot of evil. 6 million Jews murdered. 1/3 of all the Jews in the world. I’ve spoken on this podcast before about why the devil wants all of the Jewish people dead. And the devil is going to keep trying, whether that means working through Hitler or working through the future antichrist.
Now, the Antichrist isn’t going to win, either. He’ll be successful in killing 2/3 of the remaining Jews during the seven-year tribulation. But he won’t succeed. As he is conquesting the land of Israel during that time, he will be attacked by another nearby nation. A nation we’ve been studying quite a bit here lately on the podcast: Egypt.
So on today’s episode, you’ll learn six things about the Antichrist, including hints about his nationality and his love life. You’ll also learn about God’s plan for Egypt in the end times.
There is actually a plan for Egypt during the Great Tribulation. And the plan involves opposing the Antichrist. Have you ever heard about this before? If not, you will today on the Cross References Podcast.
The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 119

0:00 - Hitler Wanted to Be the Antichrist
2:45 - The Daniel 11 Context
5:40 - His Big Mouth
8:20 - His Nationality
11:00 - His Love Life
12:55 - His Religion
15:40 - His Enemies
27:50 - His Palace
31:45 - Closing Thoughts

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