Season 2 Episode 31: THE TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE: I will give power to MY TWO WITNESSES to PROPHESY

10 months ago

Originally aired 4/13/24. We are in the middle of our series looking at the Book of Revelation, and how these stages of God’s Salvation plan culminate in the 7 Year Great Tribulation. As we have discussed, after the Rapture of the church into Heaven, we will ACTUALLY WITNESSES the Revelation of our Lord Jesus/ Yeshua, as He receives the Deed to the earth, which He bought with His costly sacrifice and obedience.

And as the WORD of God made flesh, He became “The AUTHOR of our ETERNAL SALVATION, and has made us heirs through HIM of ALL THE PROMISES OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and to INHERIT the restored New Heavens and the New Earth with Jesus for all ETERNITY! AMEN!

And so, the CHURCH will be PRESENT in heaven during the Tribulation to WITNESSES Jesus RECEIVE HIS GLORY, and OPEN THE SEALS to the Deed of the earth, then pour out the WRATH OF THE LAMB and prepare the WORLD for His return, when He will to set up His 1,000 year reign over the survivors of the Great Tribulation.

We will take part in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and RETURN to earth with Him on white horses to WATCH Him destroy the Antichrist Kingdom and those who have gathered against Him in the valley of Armageddon.

And so again, the TRUE CHURCH will already be in Heaven BEFORE the 7 year tribulation begins, so that we are SPARED from GOD’s WRATH, and partake in the ceremonies that reconcile DOMINION of the EARTH back to Jesus and His Bride. And we will be witnesses just as Jesus prayed in John 17:

Jhn 17:5 NKJV - "And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
Jhn 17:24 "Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be WITH ME WHERE I AM, that they may BEHOLD MY GLORY which You have given Me; for You loved Me BEFORE the FOUNDATION of the WORLD.

So as we look at the Book of Revelation, we will continue to study how God’s FOCUS during the TRIBULATION will RETURN to His people ISRAEL.

Last week we looked at the REMARKABLE 144,00 Jewish Evangelists that God SEALS from 12 TRIBES of Israel, which go out and EVANGELIZE for Yeshua—The LAMB—as soon as the Rapture occurs, and they REALIZE that HE WAS INDEED the Promised Messiah, and all the PROPHECIES and reports about Him were true.

In Addition to the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists, God sends a SPECIAL ENVOY to evangelize and warn the earth. And here in chapter 11 we see a description of the TWO WITNESSES—likely TESTIFYING in JERUSALEM where THE NEW TEMPLE is being built, based on clear clues in the text from ch 11.

We see in this description of the Two Witnesses a reference to the TWO OLIVE TREES, which helps reveal a SPIRITUAL MYSTERY first described in that other prophetic Old Testament book, Zech found in Ch 4.

In delivering this encouraging promise, we see God’s SPIRITUAL REALM is always at work on His ETERNAL plan to restore Israel, to fulfill His promises concerning the Messiah, in all His MANIFOLD WISDOM. And God reveals in Zechariah this MYSTERY of these 2 WITNESSES who STAND BESIDE THE LORD OF THE WHOLE EARTH. Who ARE these?

And now they appear AGAIN in Revelation chapter 11, at the REVEALING of Yeshua the Messiah. And so God sends these RIGHTEOUS and POWERFUL 2 witnesses to JERUSALEM to TESTIFY of His GLORY and to WARN ABOUT THE WRATH TO COME.

Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי


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