Look around you and you will see God's fingerprint EVERYWHERE

9 months ago

iF ONLY we will open our eyes and see that God is speaking to us!
Observe the Ocean..listen to its waves..Can you hear how it praises the MASTERFUL CREATOR?
Observe the sun, the clouds, the rain,,
All of them in a voice will tell you the story of an ARCHITECT that put them together, fashioned them and brought them into existence!
How can our wonderful Creator be denied HIS right to be acknowledged?
Observe a child smiling and look into his eyes and again, you will see God.
I will open my eyes and praise God for He is so good and His LOVE endures for ever!
Your LOVE changed my life!
Your Love is Jesus coming here in this world and saving us from ourselves!
Thank you guys for watching, i hope you will enjoy this video!
Put loads of heart into it!

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