Rebel Moon: Part Two - Laugh Out Loud BAD | Movie Review

10 months ago

Rebel Moon Review | Rebel Moon Part Two Review | The Scargiver

With almost NO fanfare at all, Rebel Moon: Part Two - The Scargiver limped onto Netflix yesterday. And while no one had any high expectations for this movie after the disappointing total FLOP of the first entry, Zack Snyder still managed to put out a WORSE product. But what do you expect from a creator who thinks that Lens Flare + Slow Motion = Storytelling?

The Scargiver attempts to develop its characters in the worst way possible, NOTHING of import happens until 56 minutes into the movie, and the whole film has this cringe-inducing air of self-importance. Zack Snyder is the only person on-board the Slow Motion Express toward a future that has Rebel Moon in it. Everyone else is staying behind and waving, hoping that train goes off a cliff. Please, bury this franchise and never resurrect it.

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0:00 - Intro
1:43 - Recap
5:24 - Review
6:43 - The Style
7:11 - The Characters
8:42 - The Nonsensical
10:14 - The Snyder
11:31 - Closing Thoughts
12:34 - Outro

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Musical Credit - Wee Free Music - Tronicles

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