20240419 塔克·卡尔森:这个故事让人胆战心惊,世界上发生了很多噩梦般的故事,但很少有像这样令人恐惧的。丹尼斯·汉农最近发现,他的儿子,一个只有幼儿园年龄的孩子

9 months ago

20240419 塔克·卡尔森:这个故事让人胆战心惊,世界上发生了很多噩梦般的故事,但很少有像这样令人恐惧的。丹尼斯·汉农最近发现,他的儿子,一个只有幼儿园年龄的孩子,在没有他的知情和同意的情况下进行了性别转变。汉农加入了塔克,分享了是谁对他的孩子做了这件事,他是如何发现的,以及他正在采取什么行动进行反击。(中英双语机器字幕)

There are a lot of nightmare stories taking place around the world, but very few of them are as horrifying as this one. Dennis Hannon recently discovered that his son, only in kindergarten, went through a sex transition without his knowledge or consent. Hannon joined Tucker to share who did this to his child, how he found out, and what he’s doing to fight back. Watch now:

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