Family Scale Food Production In Extreme Cold Climates (Lecture Series)

10 months ago

We've given this presentation a few times in several cities and towns across Alaska. We figured that the content would be useful to our broader audience, so we decided to record it! This was our presentation given to the Anchorage Gardening Club in March of 2024.

We like to describe this lecture as basically a synthesis of our understanding when it comes to family scale food production in extreme cold climates. We cover a number of different topics.

It starts with the foundation, plant temperature tolerance and various things we can learn about plants from that. We then dive into climate, weather, first/last frosts, microclimates and all the complicated environmental factors that go into gardening successfully in colder climates. We then cover a number of general cold climate gardening techniques and methods you can use. From there, we discuss the techniques that we use, basically covering our specific growing methods and philosophies. We wrap everything up with a few tips and tricks for both beginner and advanced gardeners.

This is an hour long presentation. So, feel free to get comfortable and kick back for a bit, should you enjoy the topic. We understand this isn't the average "fast moving, flashy cut" thing most people want to watch on a video platform. That's OK by us. We do think it is a valuable addition to our channel and that some of our viewers may enjoy it. We are marching to our own drum here and not necessarily trying to fit into the algorithm.

As we mention in the intro to the video, we did cut the Q&A at the end for the sake of time. We do invite you to ask any questions that you might have down in the comment section and we'd be happy to discuss things further.

In case it's not entirely obvious, our efforts with Frosty Garden go well beyond just producing videos. We are trying to be active in various cold climate growing communities and focus on many different aspects of cold climate gardening education. We are multi-faceted, trying to meet various people how they would prefer to be met.

For the record, I do know I say "umm" and "right" a lot. I don't have the patience to hyper-edit things, especially on an hour long video. Thanks for understanding!

As always, we have a ton of cold climate gardening articles out there, waiting for you. We cover all the kinds of things we talk about in this video and many, many more!

If you do sit through this video, we honestly can't thank you enough. We deeply appreciate your support of our channel and we hope you gained something from our efforts!

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