Wasting Arab Spring Grift

6 months ago

Not many are aware of what is happening with stories in the news, but it's important!

I'm not allowed to login to X or Twitter today, which is just part of the story, but I referenced gun running and Narco-terrorists issues in Niger/Chad that were fucked-up (by myself and others while working in Africa)!

You don't have to believe that I and a few other stole Gaddafi's Money from Terrorists and Pedo's to get the gist of the news, but we did

Epstein didn't kill himself in jail by accident;we stole the money that hid and stole, provided to extremely bad people. We destroyed weapons lines in Nigeria, Egypt and Algeria!

We weren't thanked and weren't paid: We are guilty of doing the right thing EVERYTIME!

Bye Bye "Bo Company Haram b"! aka Barrack Obama's Boko Haram...

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