Old News isn't Fun...

10 months ago

... Unless we decide so, which just means, to laugh in their faces!

In terms of my hacking ops, which I posted videos here right afterwards (yesterday), you can see that my Fishing Jennies have FAR superior influence on Tech than they are lead to believe. Most are victims of disinformation and intentional psy-ops, though my ladies shoulder those loads quite well most of the time and carry on with class and dignity, no matter the size/identity of the CLASS that is listening without their knowledge or consent.

US Congress has been barking and monkey-fucking about for years now, blaming TikTok and China. Most would never know that these headlines are related, or how.

Fact 1: I hacked China's government/military and space/weapons programs in '21/22 which hacked Google and TikTok on the same Ops

Fact 2: There were over 2 Billion TikTok accounts gained in that hack; 200 million Google Chrome accounts, per reporting (Fall 2022)

Now, all of the sudden, Google Chrome has 2 Billion reasons to secure their shit? Hmmm...

Something tells me that my reasoning and fashion in which I operate, sending these updates to the women of my State of Missouri, is exactly "What the Dr. Ordered", so to speak.

I am allowing this insight for one reason only: Allow my neighbors, locals, etc to CATCH UP with me in terms of awareness!

They don't need a Security Clearance for this info; they need it explained in a way our Govt and News isn't willing to explain. The reasons they aren't willing to explain are the REAL STORY... and our women will understand!

And they will, once they understand, allow us men to fight this filth instead of being concerned about appearances, neighborhood sentiment or BULLSHIT FUCKING RUMORS AND MEAN GIRL BULLSHIT!


I'm surprised at the amount of women whom are aware of "the nasty" we are fighting - they are extremely appreciative and awesome how they go about it, letting us know - but they likely still lack (all almost all women do) the details and amount of strength/influence they actually have.

Like local PowerHouses, of sorts, they are... If they choose!

The US Govt exploited my China hacks and news covered up what I did, for everyone else's benefits except OURS!

Google's CEO is a skinny. Terrorist. Hybrid.

Enjoy looking at the news A bit differently and help your neighbors understand! We are supposed to be angry about these issues; we not supposed to be numb, or disassociated.

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