Were you chosen ???

10 months ago


“You have always been the dark horse, the nonconformist, the rebel of the flock or the black sheep of the family, maybe you stuck out like a sore thumb, maybe you felt like you never fit in, but you’re also starting to find your pack or your soul family and you’re also starting to realize and maybe you’ve known for a while that you were always going to be the one to step into the darkness, you were always going to be the one to be the breaker of chains of generations patterns & wounding. You were always going to be the one that fully faced the demons…”

💚KEEP SHINING YOUR LIGHT dear frens, I see you! You were chosen to here at this time, it’s a divine calling to be here and the world needs you more than you can possibly imagine! Thank you for serving dear CHOSEN ONE!

1 min 53 sec

#you #tga #lightworkers
🟨JOIN➡️ @SapphireSkyeOfficial


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