The Incredible Miracles of a 72 Hour Fast

10 months ago

Ever wondered what happens when you give your digestive system a break?

Let's break down the transformative timeline of an extended fast:

1. 6 Hours: Sugar Drop!
Insulin levels start to stabilise, and your body begins burning stored sugar for energy.

2. 12 Hours: Fat Burn Begins!
Your body enters a metabolic state called ketosis, shifting from carbs to burning fat.

3. 17 Hours: Atophagy Alert
Cells initiate a deep cleaning process, rejuvenating and repairing from the inside out.

4. 24 Hours: Gut Glow-up!
Your entire digestive system gets a revamp as stem cells rush in to mend and refresh.

5. 48 Hours: Dopamine Dive!
Your brain's dopamine system reboots, recharging motivation and elevating mood.

6. 72 Hours: Immunity Ignition!
A full-scale immune system overhaul powers up, readying you against invaders.

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