Considering Charlotte - Last Minute African Updates & Projections, Gathering of Bishops

10 months ago

In our 12th and final episode before the beginning of General Conference, this crew tries to ascertain the truth of where things stand. Simon was able to join us and give a report on the Africa Initiative's gathering and statements with respect to their polar opposition to Mainstream UMC, the visa process and how many delegates are left behind, and possible cooperative efforts once the African delegations are all in the US.

We then spent the last 30 minutes or so talking through what the bishop's gathering right now is looking like, and some last minute options for changing the "harmful language" around sexual behavior or identity, depending on who is talking. Our crew doesn't all think the same about such things.

It was an interesting and worthy time. Those interested to know the different options for what can happen in the coming weeks will be glad to spend the time with us. We hope this is of benefit to the denomination.

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