Episode #127: The Mulek Connection To Carthage & Evidence For Diffusion & Migration In America

9 months ago

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Archeology is the study of human history and prehistory. A couple of principles within archeology that should interest us as Mormons are migrations (the study of historical human migrations) and diffusion (the study of how human ideas and practices are transmitted from one distinct group of people to another). If the Book of Mormon is true, we should expect to see at least echo’s of migration and diffusion in the Americas. Now what if I told you that there seems to be some evidence of migration and diffusion between ancient America and Carthage (modern-day Tunisia)? Interested yet? Well, what if I also told you that that same evidence might also have a connection to the story of Mulek in the Book of Mormon? I bet if your anything like me you’re interested now. There are a group of people from very different walks of life who have come together to study this evidence. They are John Lefgren, Mike & Betty LaFontaine, Blaise Colasante, & all the way from Tunisia Eryj Ben Sassi and they all join me on the podcast today to discuss their findings that if correct could not only change the historical narrative of the United States but also could lend evidence for the historicity of the Book of Mormon.

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