Who Said That?

11 months ago

Jesus Christ is the “Spirit of Truth” He is not going to devalue us in anyway, He will always speak the truth in love to build us up, to teach us, to grow us through. Jesus Still Speaks And Still Speaks The Purest Truth Ever Known To Mankind. So someone just spoke something negative to you and It got in your head, and you are mulling it around in your thoughts, and you are entertaining it, and the negativity gets stronger and stronger, and you feel very devalued. Who Said That? Was it God Or The Enemy Of Your Soul?

Someone has spoken words of condemnation to you and it rips at your soul because you know it is false, it is a false accusation, yet they stand by it, and double down with a total ghosting of you from their lives. because you won’t admit their fake fantasy thinking is true. These are times we remember that people are not the enemy, we have a spiritual enemy. So ask yourself, did God, or would God speak condemnation to you? No He Would Never! So, ask yourself again: Who Said That?

That negative word spoken, is a negative thought given, but do you have to receive it? Start by asking: Who said that? Did God? Or did the enemy of my soul? Is it an absolute truth, that you know that you know? Or is it something that you "think" that you know? This is an assumption. God does not speak in assumptions, nor does God speak out of speculation, presupposition or rationalization. God speaks wholly-holy truth.

How can you answer someone who falsely accuses you? Speak the truth in love, speak things as they are, in the moment where God is, and then you let the Holy Spirit prove it. You do not have to continue to defend yourself, striving on your own, as more strife creates more strife and confusion sets in. God will defend you. God is Your Way-Maker to Truth. God deals with us in the now, the current, the present, so don’t let the enemy make you think on things that are not even here and now truth, because this causes much confusion in your soul and God is not the author of confusion.

The cross of Jesus Christ is always a symbol of Him dying for our sins, the symbol of the emptiness of people, who serve no power higher than self, and walking in untruth as they wield corrupted, self-driven, illegitimate authority. Then in the face of all that illegitimate power, there is the empty cross, and the resurrection of Jesus, and this reality of truth, of an empty tomb, is one of a Higher Power, and is the symbol of life, truth and hope.

So, in the light of the truth of the cross of Jesus Christ, ask this: “who said that”? Is it condemning? It isn’t God who said it. People think that they know “something” so they blurt it out as if they do. Yet, the reality of truth is, people can’t know your motive, or your thoughts, they judge you by something they can’t know, and this is their own assumption, speculation and presupposition in play, and these false accusations, they come from the enemy of our soul, the liar, the father of lies. God is not saying these things.
Are you falsely accused by those who think they know something they do not know? Ask God for the reality of truth, and think on His truth. Who said that?

Dig Deeper:
There Is A Truth That Stands Forever https://rumble.com/vaz9bz-a-truth-that-stands.html


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