Facing the Days of Judgment –James Trivette, Joanna Entrekin, Nathan Entrekin – 4.18.2024

7 months ago

In this season of Christian and Jewish holy days, we need to understand that these days commemorate and prophecy days of God’s intervention into our earthly realm. I believe that God chooses these days as signs that He has and will intervene in the trials of man and this will bring His judgment and His righteousness to condemn evil and rescue righteousness. The days of Easter, Passover, Pentecost and Shavuot all represent a judgment from God that changed the history of man. As we see the biblical events unfolding in this season, God is telling us that His intervention is near, even imminent. He has given us ample signs and warnings. Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. For better viewing choose 1080p HD in the gear icon in the Video Viewer.

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