98 Birthplace of ISKCON & home of Swami Prabhupada/Hare Krishnas in 2024 (i.e. Matchless Gifts)

9 months ago

On a recent trip to Manhattan I wanted to visit where ISKCON was born, aka the very first ISKCON temple & former home of Swami Prabhupada. Or, the birthplace of the Hare Krishna movement in America. I'm not an ISKCON Vaishnava & routinely confess a love/hate relationship with Swamiji & the organization, but only a fool would deny the influence of Srila Prabhupada & ISKCON on religion in the west & the world & Sanatana Dharma in general. I think he is one of the most influential gurus of the last century, whose influence will be felt for a long time. This temple should be marked as a historical site, as its influence is likely greater than other historical sites in NYC.

🕉 Website to the temple https://www.krishnanyc.com/ 🕉

📣I should mention that a few events are held in the Temple weekly, according to their website, but as a casual visitor looking in the windows there was no life there, no promotion of Krishna Consciousness, not even a part-time gift shop, just a temple preserved in silence afraid to speak. I was expecting so much more. ... Only after coming home, did I find there was a second center in town the "Bhakti Center" that is more active and keeping the work alive https://bhakticenter.org/. Yet, my closing questions in the video still remain relevant.

Live 4/14/2024, pre-recorded March 21 2024.

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I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
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