Mike Fairclough: Testing Resilience, Determination & Moral Compass | Positive Podcast Teaser

10 months ago

Mike Fairclough is the only UK headteacher/school principal to have questioned the covid vaccine rollout to children, 10ckD0wn$ and masks. Which led him through very challenging times, yet he has come through his experiences with a deep sense of self resiliency, determination, and strength, that is enough to inspire anybody.

This episode is a short teaser from the Positive Podcast series, which is streamed 100% through HOPE Sussex Community website: https://www.hopesussex.co.uk/positive-podcast

Positive Podcast is led by Katy-Jo, the Co-Founder at HOPE, to create a video podcast that would be positive, inspiring, empowering, informative and entertaining, for a diverse range of souls, from different backgrounds, beliefs, education and specialities, that make up our flourishing Community!

You will also receive a BONUS video subscription to our Live Recorded Events, Workshops & Talks, at HOPE Sussex Community.

JOIN HOPE's Positive Podcast & Live Recorded Video subscription, that includes:
🌟 MORE Positive Podcast episodes with a range of different souls, from different backgrounds.
🌟 An ever growing library of Positive Podcast episodes, and includes a library of Live Recorded Events from onsite at HOPE Sussex Community.
🌟 Each month, you will have access to new content.
🌟 Stream a library of Positive Podcast episodes & Live Recorded Talks & Workshops.
🌟 £3 each month, (monthly, no contracts)
💖 A fantastic way to support HOPE Sussex Community, with all funds being reinvested back into HOPE Sussex Community project.

🌟 Positive Podcast sign up: https://www.hopesussex.co.uk/positive-podcast 🌟
💖 Support families and children at HOPE Sussex Community ~ all funds are reinvested back into the project to support its growth, and running of the space for families and adults to learn in a , and be apart of a heart-centred community: https://form.jotform.com/230324348742352

✨ Visit Mike's Substack to stay up-to-date & support him: https://substack.com/@mikefairclough ✨
💖 Buy Mike's latest Heroes Journey book here: https://amzn.eu/d/i5WqQI9
✨ Mike also offers courses, and a new Rewilding Childhood after school sessions, in East Sussex.

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