33 BILLION CHICKENS VAXXED!BIRD FLU HOAX - Avoid The Pharma Poisoned Food Supply

10 months ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the mass vaccination campaign of chickens over the latest hoax, bird flu. 33 billion chickens are to be vaccinated against bird flu. 33 is obviously a very symbolic number and we see it all the time. The reality is, the so-called "bird flu" or H5N1 is vaccine induced illness and nothing more. The illnesses like a perpetual circle lead to further injections which cause more illness. It's blatantly obvious what's happening here. The pharmaceutical industrial complex continues to do the work of the anti-humanists to trial run a fun technocratic takeover of mankind. They utilize fake PCR tests to tell people the chickens are sick. They then inject the chickens with poison that the public then eats which leads to more people getting sick. This leads them to take further dystopian measures as they mass depopulate chickens, cows and other animals. This leads to a collapse of the food supply on top of the already existing climate restrictions, World War 3 false flags and economic collapse. This all then leads to the public eating mRNA and bug infused ration foods based on a carbon credit score attached to a CBDC (central bank digital currency). This new currency and food reset is connected to a unified ledger which tracks and traces everyone. This forces people to own nothing in 15 Minute Cities and comply or starve. There are solutions to this problem right before our eyes, but will people take these solutions seriously? That's the question.

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