What Living in a High Vibration Feels Like

5 months ago

A high vibrational state is a state where you are completely living in the present moment while living, acting, and feeling the high vibrational emotions; such as love, joy, and peace.

You are not thinking about the past, not worrying about the future but instead just being present in the now. You have raised your vibrational frequency by letting go of all the trauma, pain, hate, anger, and shame and are now in a state of love, happiness, joy, and peace.

It's not like you never experience these lower emotions, instead, you experience them but don't allow them to consume your life.

You focus on only the good things in life and thrive in the present moment. This is essentially the state of high-vibration

When you practice being in this high vibrational state, you will eventually unlock this and start to live in this state.

Now this is where the magic happens, you no longer get triggered by petty things.

You no longer hold on to past trauma and pain, you no longer argue to prove a point.

You are completely present in the moment. You are vibrating at the frequency of love and whatever you do, it radiates more love.

You can tap into the flow state, which then enables you to channel endless creativity from the universe and create masterpieces.

It doesn't matter what you are working on, you can get 1000 times the output. You can get more work done in a short period. You can literally complete 8 hours worth of work in 3-4 hours and still have amazing energy, you don't get as tired, hungry, or lazy anymore.

You are just thriving and everything feels awesome, amazing, and in flow.

Then you start to gain emotional intelligence and higher intelligence, and spiritual downloads happen.

You can put yourself in other people's shoes and think from their perspective. This makes you realize that they are not angry with you but instead, they are angry at something else and they are just expressing it to you.

This enables you to be calm, non-reactive, and balanced emotionally and spiritually. And when you start tapping into the higher consciousness, there is no limit,

You can manifest anything and everything and can eventually open your third eye.

I can go on and on about more benefits of staying in this high vibrational state but........

In summary,

This is what HIGH VIBRATION feels like

Watch this to learn how to tap into the FLOW STATE:

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