We Decide the Future so Stop making it Worse - The Future of Video Games

10 months ago

First I am so thankful there are still amazing games coming out, and studios that are doing their own thing there own way. So this isn't going to be a modern gaming sucks video. I really want to reinforce the positive , and that is there are a lot of great games, and great studios out there for everyone, and while nobody wants to see their favorite franchise get ruined , for every steaming pile of malfunctioning overpriced agenda pushing dog poop out there, there is just as many if not more games doing things right.
But after The Star Wars Outlaws announcement and years of Garbage releases from AAA titles , combine with the never ending Toxicity of the Woke Anti Woke debate and the ever increase in microtransactions inside premium price games that are release broken, some of which never get fixed. Well that all kind of created this perfect storm, and are all Foundations for the subject of this video.
Like many of you I an not happy with some of the things the big studios are doing. It doesn't matter if you and I are unhappy with the same things or not. what matters is that people understand how to get the changes they want. So in this video I am going to attempt to outline a very simple concept that people are smart enough to understand and realize on their own, but many people do not lack the discipline to implement.
This is actually really simple, If you don't like certain physical designs for characters in games, or you don't like the music, or the art directions, or maybe you're like me and are sick of incomplete games selling you microtransactions and offering things like early play if you buy the Mighty Morphin Ultra Galactic Edition of the game for 500 bucks. There is 1 simple thing all of us can do, to make sure our voices are heard, and no its not tweeting about it, or making videos about it, because Corporations don't care. it amazes me at the amount of people that complain about an aspect of an upcoming release and then run right out and buy that game so they can talk about how horrible it is. Clearly there is some addiction issues plaguing a lot of gamers these days. All you are doing is spending money to make yourself miserable, and a lot of you end up spreading misery to everyone else, which really is the worst part of all of this. But let me explain something to you, when you buy a game so you can talk about how horrible it is, all the publisher is hearing is " I like this , I want more of this , i don't care if you rip me off, i don't care what narratives are about, and I don't care what characters look like, you make great games, keep doing more of the same" Do you think the people at Capcom , Ubisoft, EA, or Activision care about our tweets, videos, reviews, and social media posts? Not one bit. All they are looking at is investment and return, minimal effort for maximum profit, and what the bottom line is. Most of these publishers not only don't care about games, but they don't care about us. So just know this what you buy now, good or bad, for whatever reason is more of what you're going to get in the future.

If we all Speak with our wallets, the game developers will have to listen. we the consumers, the gamers will decided what the future of gaming looks like based on what we do and do not support and purchase now. So the next time you want to pre buy a game you know nothing about, or are tempted to buy some overpriced edition, or you want to purchase a game sweetbaby helped make just to see what their effect on the game was, or you sell yourself on the idea that its okay for a publisher to sell things like Shark Cards and Fighter Packs, or you just feel the need to keep up with the conversation, or worst of all you intentionally buy something you know is something you wont like just so you can experience how bad it is, ask yourself, is this what I want more of in the future? Because it is true what you buy now, is more of what you can expect years from now.
I know I am going to be told I am oversimplifying this, I know there are those of you who will have to argue with me even though I don't want to argue with you, and I am taking no ones side in any of this. But this really could not be more simple.

00:00 Intro
00:30 Great Games are out there
01:15 Gamers Unhappy for Different Reasons
02:12 A simple fix
03:00 We already got your money
03:20 Misery from Gaming
03:57 Gaming Addiction
04:41 We Decide the Future
05:39 What you buy is what you get

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