John O’Looney - They know they are killing people but they are just doing thier job. Murderers

10 months ago

Jim Crenshaw

April 19, 2024

Killing and taking orders for a paycheck.

"I have to I have to it's my job"...they need to die.

Get a different job bitch. Tell people the truth. Bring it before the school board you worthless coward. Go on social media and tell parents the truth. These people who just go along with murder and harm for a paycheck have no moral compass or ability. That is why I curse them so bad on this channel. Many know and have somehow convinced themselves that this behavior is alright.

Medical professionals, politicians, teachers and celebrities as well as others who do this are cowards. Murdering children for a paycheck. I hope the burn in hell.

Source: debess:

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