Gnosis 06: Joseph Atwill – Covid 19 Genocide, Zionism and Theosophy

10 months ago

Can’t play this one on Youtube guys! They took down my last episode with William Ramsey because of “medical misinformation”.

Greetings and welcome back for Gnosis 06: Joseph Atwill – Covid-19 Genocide, Zionism and Theosophy.

Though the title reads Covid 19 Genocide, Zionism and Theosophy, we cover a lot of ground here regarding the pursuit of Gnosis amidst the spiritual battle we find ourselves immersed in.

Joseph Atwill is an American author of works about the late Roman, early Christian empire – most notably Caesar’s Messiah.

He studied Greek, Latin and the Bible at St. Mary’s Military Academy, a Jesuit-run school in Japan. In college he studied computer science, and co-founded software companies including Ferguson Tool Company and ASNA. After 1995, he returned to Biblical studies. Working with Robert Eisenman, he authored a paper on radiocarbon dating of the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 2014, Atwill self-published another book, Shakespeare’s Secret Messiah.[1]

In this episode, Joe spends the first hour recapping the conspirators and collaborators who opened the gates of hell, invoking world war two, a global holocaust, in order to usher in their maniacal one world government agenda. Think about that, 80 – 250 million human beings died needlessly because of the works of secret society with an occult agenda.

He elaborates on British Freemasonry’s responsibility, not just for the creation of Zionism, but Adolph Hitler’s “messianic” rise to power, the reintroduction of the swastika, and the myth of Aryan racial supremacy.

If you would like to see an illustrated version of these occult conspirators, please see Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Free-masonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Later on in the episode Joe lets us know about his own pursuit of Gnosis and how we can effectively organize against the NWO’s attempted Great Reset.

“If wars can be started with lies, peace can be started with truth” – Julian Assange

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