Epic 1976 Movie "21 Hours At Munich" Palestinian Black September Terrorists slaughter Israeli Olympic Team (Beloveds please go down to the Description to see the update about an epic spiritual war on Brighteon network) mirrored

5 months ago

this is a mirrored video You can see that it will not be hard to deceive many people no matter their race, nation, faith, or background. The end times are deemed perilous for good reason. Let's look at both the Semitic peoples Jews and Arabs both sons of Abraham one through Isaac and Jacob the Jews and the other through Ishmael (minus Esau he's deleted he sold his birthright and is blotted out). This movie made me cry the final scene is so brutal. I remember as a young lad it was gut wrenching the Palestinian Black September terrorist group attacked the Israeli Olympic team it does not end well at the Munich Olympic games. So whether Jew, Arab, or any other people group BELOVED YAH will always have a faithful remnant as we well know.

The epic spiritual warfare on Brighteon, a highly prized spiritual territory with world impact (But Brighteon is a failed network Mike and his toxic antisemite supporters destroyed it. I don't believe it can be restored. Because it took months for it to get this bad. I'm sorry I didn't realize it was eroding at this level but YAH woke me up and I also did an indepth research there and found the proof and evidence). There's about 8 or more brothers that are just decimating the lies as they are deep in YAH'S Word and World History facts and seem impervious to the terrible war. This Beloveds is a Proof of Prophecy. Yes the Deborah's are potent but the David's are built uniquely to handle extreme abuse. The word "atonishes" me comes up in my spirit. It's incredible, the antisemites are finished.

Dearest Beloveds, YAH'S Amightywind Ministry has completely dominated on Brighteon for close to the last two years and has been on for over five years. But now many supporters have fallen and been given over to false beliefs and deadly doctrines that will do them much harm. Even those going back to the false prophets. The founder is mentioned in Prophecy 153 with high favor his name is Mike Adams he's helped millions of people in exposing lies and with their health. I feel like I've lost a close friend it's been hard. Many of YAH'S children not just myself over the years have pleaded with him to further study the Holy Scriptures and understand them better. About two years ago, a friend of his and mentor, convinced him by his own testimony that we're little gods it was in video. But I quickly countered and put an Amightywind Prophecy Excerpts video up exposing this. Soon afterwards I never heard him mention it again. But after the October 7th, 2023 Hamas attacks on Israel, Mike took a strong Palestinian stance and was furious towards Israel. I put Amightywind videos up with titles to say let YAH Chastise Israel as HE will, but it had no lasting effect. He deems Israel as illegal aggressor occupiers of the lands. Even though YAH made an unconditional covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob along with other similar covenants. In today's video he actually mocked that YAH would defend Israel in the Gog and Magog war of nations against them. I was stunned and heartbroken again. As a result there's been a brutal spiritual war on Brighteon for quite sometime. I just didn't realize how bad until I studied it indepth. It is the most intense of any major network I've seen since over 12 years ago on Youtube. It is deemed a Free Speech Platform but this is misleading because SPIRIT Filled Christians and Messianic Jews there are the most persecuted there now. If one says they believe in a pre or post Trib Rapture, love Israel even if you're aware of the evil that resides there, or believe and love Pres. Trump (Mike does want Trump elected but it's toxic there), or believe that YAH will destroy Israel's enemies all the nations that assemble to destroy her at Armageddon and other sound Basic Biblical teachings than the persecution will most likely be very fierce. So please pray for those of us that are there. But the good news is the tide is turning (this has changed, this maybe temporal, the damage is now irreparable) and a small remnant is dominating though heavily outnumbered we are still a majority as YAH taught us in the Holy Prophecies. There are three particular Sisters of YAH along with other Sisters that are bold as lionesses in the Defense of YAH'S Word. And many Brothers who are very deep in the WORD and History that can't be refuted it's incredible. The counterfeits will attack them but rarely directly attack me or other well versed Brothers it's sickening really. The suffering is evident, nevertheless the Report is Good YAH will always turn things around for His children. PRAISE YAH YAHUSHUA IMMAYAH Forever amen. Can you please say a prayer for us (but personally I don't plan on spending much time there but in many hours in prayer what I enjoy doing most)? Thank you! YAH'S Abundant Love Shalom Protection to you and all HIS own

If I don't warn SPIRIT Filled believers in YAHUSHUA than I can suffer for it, especially if they get surprised attacked by going there. By knowing ahead of time, we'll all be prepared.

Disturbing titles of Mike Adam's videos in within the last 6 months. He is actually destroying one of the best Networks in the world. Our BELOVED YAH will not tolerate this. We've seen these things all too much. Especially you Beloveds since the days of the YT battle and before of the YDS Forum. Like YAH Says how many turn away.
1) From the RIVER to the Sea - How Israel became the WORST ENEMY of free speech in America
2) Brighteon Broadcast News, April 11, 2024 – END Israel’s illegal occupation and restore FREEDOM to the Palestinian people
3) USA and Israel are the two most DANGEROUS nations hell bent on nuclear war SUICIDE
4) Deceived Christian Zionists demand a BLOOD RITUAL of death to summon the return of Christ
5) Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 1, 2023 - Israel becomes a full-fledged TERRORIST STATE with admitted bombing of crowded refugee camp
6) Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 31, 2023 - Israeli plot to force 2.3 million Palestinians out of GAZA and STEAL their land LEAKED to the media
7) Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 2, 2023 - BAD NEWS FOR THE WEST: Israel cannot destroy Hamas, and the USA cannot defeat Iran
8) Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 31, 2023 - Israeli plot to force 2.3 million Palestinians out of GAZA and STEAL their land LEAKED to the media
9) HAMAS attacks on Israel prove the rules of warfare have drastically shifted

Latest Update (From Mike's fake video on 4/19/2024) Why the Middle East conflict goes to NUCLEAR WAR


Mike Adam's mocks YAHUVEH GOD ALMIGHTY OF ISREAL calls HIS Defending of her at Armageddon in the Book of Revelation deemed as "phychopathic insanity."
Mike Adam's states starting at time stamp 11:33 to 12:18 "It's impossible for Israel to de-escalate. They think that GOD chose them to rule the planet. Yeah, there's a whole psuedo spiritual aspect to this. Quack-pot spirituality on the part of the Zionists. They think GOD chose them to rule the world. And thus they can't descalate because that would put them on equal footing with the Persians. They can't say the Persians are equal to us. Because we're the Zionists we're superior to all other people on the planet. We have to kill them all and steal their land and take their resources. That's what Zionists think. There's no way Zionists will back down. They think GOD is going to protect them anyway. And half of them want to start World War 3. Because that's how they destroy the enemies of Zionism. They do. This is how they think at all ends. They think that GOD comes in and rescues them at GOG and MAGOG and all of that nonsense. They think if they can whip of World War with Iran and Russia. Who they think is mentioned in the Bible. Not the Old Testament but in the Book of Revelation and all of that stuff. They think that GOD is going to come in and save them. So that they are escalating in the Arms of GOD which is phychopathic insanity."

I don't know how long YAH'S Children can remain on Brighteon because I noticed conditions are getting worse and more strangefire and evil hate is spreading throughout the Brighteon and most professing Christians don't seem to care. We all saw this story before all on Youtube. But there's some Brothers that refuse to be moved no matter the missiles sent towards them that we send this evil heap back to the senders as YAH Wills It in YAHUSHUA'S NAME

Update 4/21/24 Mike makes toxic more toxic statements
"..and far from being an "ally" of the United States, #Israel is America's most dangerous parasitic enemy."

Key versus about the Battle of Armageddon in the Bible:
"For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD YAHUVEH go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. (Zechariah 14:2, 3)"
YAHUSHUA'S Second Coming afterwards:
"And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. (Zechariah 14:4)"

My rebuttal to Mike on 4/22/204
"@HealthRanger Dear Mike this is not news for scores of us. It appears you just woke up I'm not belittling either. Israel will be taken down very low. They rely too much on America and military power and not on the GOD of their forefathers, the Holy Prophets and HIS Word. Every innocent life is a big deal. But I recommend you do a deep dive into millions not ten of thousands of Christians, Jews, Arab Christians and others martyred in the name of Islamist Jihad from decades gone by. Millions but the media does not report it. Voices of the Martyrs, Christian Freedom International, Open Doors International, and many more are viable resources. They are only able to report a fraction of the abuse. Parts of North Africa and the Middle East are extremely violent. Some will repent like Apostle Paul when he was Saul when he killed many Christians, it's in the Bible. But most will truly perish and die by the sword they wielded with no Atonement of redemption to be found."

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