Archaix - History is a Looping Construct: Proof of System Reset

5 months ago

Apr 19, 2024
History is a Looping Construct: Proof of System Reset
It was about four years ago I introduced The Archaix Challenge concerning the mystery number 2178 which has properties that demonstrate that our arithmetic is actually the photo-negative to an entirely different dimension of math that is located somewhere else...not here. It was later that I realized that 2178 AD is actually on the Phoenix timeline of 138 year periods, that the collapse protocol was in some way connected to the Phoenix phenomenon. But these were necessary stepping stones to what I have now found. We're in a loop. Your belief is not required. It's all in the calendars...

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Archaix 2.0 Doomsday Chronology (
Archaix Timeline of the Ancient World (

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