Ohio Gun Owners | SAPA House Bill 51 Update | April 10, 2024

10 months ago

#OhioGunOwners #OGO #SAPA
OGO had unfinished business at the Statehouse now that the Republican primaries are over.

So on Wednesday, April 10, Cris Dorr and Rob Knisley hauled it up to the Statehouse in Columbus to meet with legislators and discuss the strategy to get HB51 moving forward again.

(They may have snuck in a few leers and jeers at some of the RINO’s who lost their primaries because they supported gun-control and thus will not be returning to the Statehouse next January.)

Also on Wednesday, Governor DeWine gave his annual State of the State address in which he once again DeWhined that the General Assembly isn’t doing anything about guns, and quite frankly, OGO agrees.

DeWhine, like always, wants to pass gun-control bills that criminals will ignore, while OGO wants the General Assembly to keep its word and pass the Ohio Second Amendment Preservation Act!

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