Ex Satanist & High Ranking Warlock Encounters Jesus – The James Kawalya Testimony

9 months ago


This is the Incredible Story of James Kawalya. After watching this you will realize the true POWER of Prayer.

His mother was desperately trying to have a boy as she was married to a leader in Africa who needed an Heir and had to be a male.

She had six baby girls in a row and was afraid her husband was going to leave her as women were to blame for not being capable of bearing male heirs.

His mother went to witch doctor as witch doctor in the beginning and kept having girl after girl after girl.

Finally she went to the very TOP Witch of the entire continent of Africa. The witch first told her that there was a son, but that son would have much power and would damage the Witch Cult and told here to go away.

She went back after fasting naked in the woods for 14 days and the witch made an agreement with her and said she would have a son.

His mother entered into an agreement with the highest ranking witch on the continent of Africa so that she could conceive a son.

She had 6 daughters and needed an heir for her husband so she was desperate.

In exchange for conceiving a son, that son was married to that witch on the day he was born. Yes, the very day she gave birth she traveled hundreds of miles for her son’s wedding to the highest ranking witch in Africa, who was 60 years old.

When his mother brought him home a HUGE Snake went in the house and wrapped in up like a blanket and would not allow anyone to see him.

James Lawalya was dedicated to Satan from the womb and yielded great occult powers from an early age.

After the death of his uncle, his mother surrendered James to the Cult when James was 4 years old. He was placed in a cave with dead bodies for 3 days and 3 nights with no food or water. In this cave, during the 3 days, demonic spirits and Lucifer would come and talk to him. They entered his body.

From this point on until he met Jesus has in severe pain from the dark entities that had entered his body. Satan works and controls you by causing physical pain. He became addicted to alcohol so he could deal with this pain.

He developed a deep hate from this point on and had no emotional attachments or love or compassion or fear. He never cried and never laughed.

When he comes out of the cave, the people are bowing to him and worshiping him and treating him like a God.

James received the “witches mat” at 3 years of age, became a “territorial caretaker” at the age of 7 and became an ordained “Luciferian guardian” at age 17.

James was mastering witchcraft just by the age of 7 as he was overseeing 7,000 witches and he could kill with his own thoughts. He became very powerful and even the wicked warlocks and witches called him “WICKED.”

At just 4 years old – James was treated like an elder but part of him just wanted to be a kid. No parent would allow their child to come near James.

James said the people and politicians (as the entire government was run by these Satanists) for power.

James says that Satan ABUSES Children with Rape, Sexual Abuse, Molestation – it is way of trapping the soul and normalizing this behavior.

He was called the Baby Witch. He said Pastors would come to him for Powers.

The Dark Force – Satan – Lucifer – was going after the absolute smartest college students in the world and making them believe that the true power is with Satan to receive blessings. James was sent to recruit 5,000 of the brightest and convert them.

He provided them with sex and orgies and showered them with money and even paying tuition for some of them.

That is how the “seed” of Satan works, by infiltration and grabbing souls while they are young and hungry for conquering the world.

James was considered a Chief Satanic Witch and was one of the highest-ranking occult leaders in the world until he had a life changing encounter with a much greater power.

James was told to stay out of the city and don’t come within 70 miles as a man of God, Morris Cerullo was coming to Uganda and his prayer would kill all the evil witches and warlocks and to stay out of the city for 21 days as his power would linger that long.

James was told again in 1996 to move away from Uganda as another Man of God, John Mulinde was coming. He was told to get out and develop a strategy to remove his powers as John Mulinde and his team were very powerful and were taking over the country with the Spirit of God.

They discovered it was his people who were praying for him that was disturbing the Satanic realm and the altars. They were ascending in the spirit and becoming an authority.

The Satanists got all of his tapes and listened to them to find out why this man was so powerful.

John Mulinde and his followers were on the same page, has the same vibration, the same wave length and they were acting as ONE VOICE which is what them as a collective a ONENESS, that when one spoke it represented all of them.

There is some wild, wild stuff in here.

James said that if this ministry succeeded in praying for 90 consecutive days that there would be enough damage to completely STOP ALL Satanic Activity for 70 Years. He says no one knows how powerful prayer is in the spirit world and collective prayer around the world can change the world instantly.

At the age of 12 his mother took him to the Bishop who married him to the 60 year High Witch at birth and the Bishop took him and placed him in a Seminary and then was sent to Europe for “training” where he experienced Sexual Ritual Abuse.

This was the first time he had seen his father because his father left when he was young because of the weird sh*t going on in the house from spirits. His father had to sign for him to be moved to Europe – France and Italy.

He was 13 now.

Two priests questioned him and were amazed that he knew everything about the spirit world and about history without ever going to school.

This was the beginning of his transition from African Witchcraft to the Occult.

He says the Occult was Satanism and Witchcraft was about traditions, cultures, spirits and the powers but the Occult was actually worship of a religious figure.

He was broken for the second time, this time by being exposed to sexual abuse and death. He was sexually abused almost daily for 5 years. This is the Satanic way. The Roman Catholic Church is a front for Christianity, thus why we see the visible reports of sexual abuse by priests who are seldom punished, just moved somewhere else.

He said during the day he was an alter boy and at night he was tortured.

He could NOT use his powers against them. They were using the same source of Power as he was, SATAN. Satan will not destroy Satan, himself.

James says “this is the system that RULES the World.” “It is a Satanic System that controls all of the world.”

At the age of 18 he was sent to a hospital where he was pumped full of drugs and was sexually molested. They were trying to get as much information about his knowledge and powers as they could but he wouldn’t tell them anything.

After six months they realized they had not broken his will completely. There was always a part of James they could never access which was bothering them.

The Satanic Way is to break a person completely to get to know all their secrets and knowledge.

Meeting a Power Greater than his: A young female evangelist at his university campus in Uganda was told by the Lord to go in front of James residence, so she knew this guy was pure evil and had power, she went at 7:00AM and the plan was to miss him as she didn’t think he would be up.

At exactly that moment James walked out the door. As James passes her, she said “The Lord told me to tell you to call him.”

She said “James” and he said no one ever dared calling him by that name as everyone called him Master, including his college professors.

She could not call him Master because Jesus was her master.

James said he kept on walking without answering.

She called a second time “James” and a third time “James”.

James said from the Laws of Occult, if you are challenged three times (thrice) and don’t respond, you are defeated.

James said in his mind he said “I’m doing something but let me punish her.”

James said she angered him and James says “at the point of Anger you have lost your power.”

James said he thought “what can I do, can I kill her here, can I blind her, can I make her mad.” James said he could do that in just a few seconds. James said all he had to do is turn to her, project into her eyes and make her mad.

James was going to make her undress and walk naked through campass.

I turned at her to this and when he looked in her eyes to project his message, bolts of light came from her eyes and hit him. So he looks again, more light came from her eyes. And again.

James said “then I knew, this was a battle.” “I’ve never encountered such kind of power.”

James knows how to summon support. So projects to call witches and wizards from all around summoning their powers.

James says in just minutes 600 of them were all around him and she could not see them. James says they all formed like a ball of power together to attack her at once. He said he had to be bold enough one more time to look in her eyes and project and all the power of 600 will be released at one time.

She told James at a later time to “Be Still and Know that I am God.” “Be Calm.”

When he turned and looked at her, she remained calm with a smile. All James saw was a Pillar of Light connecting to Heaven in her place.

He looks at the Pillar of Light and a man is looking at him. That man was JESUS.

The moment Jesus looked him in the eyes, all 600 witches took off, screaming and running, including Luficer himself.

James says “Satan and his followers cannot fight when Jesus appears.”

Satan has to run away.

James said the second Jesus looked at him, he was disarmed.

James said this was the very first time in his life that he felt HUMAN.

When he opened his eyes a second time, the pillar of light is not there, Jesus is not there but the girl is there.

James said “I was in fear for the first time in my life.”

He said the girl said: “Go to him.”

She begins to walk towards James, and every step forward was like an Earthquake James said. James said that he couldn’t walk away as his feet were bound to the ground.

She looks at him and gives him a hug.

James said “that was my first HUG in life.” He was 24 and had never received a hug from anyone.

While she was hugging James she said: “James, Jesus Loves You.”

James said: “For the first time in life, I Cried.”

It was September 5, 1997 at 7:45 AM when James gave his life to Christ. He says he remembers the exact moment.

“Even when I was his enemy, he still gives me a chance.”

This is seriously just a brief summary here.

*Note: If you don’t believe this story that a Satanic System is Running the Entire World, watch these:


2. ***Bill Schnoebelen – Former Satanic Voodoo High Priest Exposes the Illuminati – Masonry is a Religion

00:00 Start
00:04 Deliverance from Occult & Witchcraft
02:26 Encountering Jesus & a 23-year journey with God
06:51 James' Early Memories
14:07 JK’s Mother & Cleansing Ritual
16:28 Sacrifices
21:04 Grand Master Witch & Witchcraft
23:10 JK’s Mother Experience
29:53 Betrayed by Mother & Cave Experience
34:05 Deliverance & Healing
40:13 Ability to See Supernaturally
42:09 Overseeing over 7,000 witches at the age of seven.
51:59 Birth Story & Childhood
54:08 Bishop investigates the protagonist's powers in a seminary
1:00:24 Abuse by priests
1:04:32 Being embraced by a Father Figure
1:06:30 Becoming a Guardian Master
1:10:42 Being a high-ranking African Warlock
1:23:18 Uganda-Egypt highway Takeover
1:25:21 Encounter with Spirit
1:29:50 Prayer of Repentance, Worship, & Warfare
1:32:04 90 days Prayer for 70 years
1:36:13 Covenant Relationships
1:38:13 Using demonic powers against people
1:45:08 Unresolved Wounds
1:49:10 Pastor's Experience
1:55:10 Lack of Spiritual Covering & Authority
1:57:05 Pastor's Isolation
2:01:21 Repentance
2:07:47 Encountering a Powerful Girl
2:10:03 Encountering Jesus
2:16:35 Life takes a Major Turn.
2:20:40 Filled with Holy Spirit & Prayer Training
2:22:39 Mia's Death
2:26:36 The Dream
2:28:43 Battle with Leukaemia
2:35:16 Deliverance
2:39:12 Personal Covenant
2:41:16 The Prayer Mountain
2:45:14 Encounter with a Dead Python
2:47:11 Mother's Salvation
2:50:54 Jesus Christ is the Way
2:52:50 Deliverance Ministry
2:56:52 Confession
2:58:54 Healing & Cleansing
3:03:05 Ministry & Book

Source: PrayerStormTV -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvQvEtw2Izg


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Thank You!!

END. 4/26/2024 – 6:00 PM

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