Even More Leaked Footage From Antarctica + Links Below

7 months ago

Antarctica Secrets

1.) https://youtu.be/Upxe03w75Qo?si=KXd1NrY_MiBImxsO

2.) https://youtu.be/TozSkCROyqU?si=5z2LC5Eb79mhhi48

3.) https://youtu.be/mb4x-z-dkVE?si=vQF-VsGdw6rEZ0XA

4.) Pyramids https://youtu.be/cIZ7625Ts6A?si=NzzhxnMrMEa3QjEo

Dr. Garth Nicolson

1.) Weaponized ( and patented ) Micoplasmas https://youtu.be/9ZN-kXZMzqU?si=CMj-iu4WwER1JxA8

2.) Days. Garth Nicolson https://youtu.be/9ZN-kXZMzqU?si=CMj-iu4WwER1JxA8

3.) Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garth_L._Nicolson

4.) Gulf War Syndrome https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_War_syndrome

5.) Peter Kawaja & Captain Joyce Riley https://youtu.be/gzxnfZ2Hm90?si=0iqkxvyGAohh1dXu

Peter Kawaja https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-kawaja-b8588610b

Dead Men Tell No Tails - http://pages.suddenlink.net/anomalousimages/images/text/kawa2.html

Peter demanding answers about the PATENTED GERM 🦠 WARFARE AGENT Micoplasma Fermentans https://groups.google.com/g/misc.activism.militia/c/3rL3itgMxxA

Government Created Diseases https://www.nairaland.com/1847086/government-created-diseases-joyce-riley

Gulf War Illness Links https://gulflink.health.mil/vet_help/med_research/epidemiology/med_research_epidemiologyjsp.shtml

Dr. Garth Nicolson - Institute For Molecular Medicine https://www.immed.org/

Dr. 👨‍⚕️ Garth Nicolson ~ Research 🔬 Gate - https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Garth-Nicolson

Micoplasmas - https://youtu.be/67-bQLS4ZI4?si=Fpr8SUR0569LzFeP

Tom Trefts Note 🗒️- Extremely Interesting 🤨 MICOPLASMAS ROLE IN AUTISM - https://youtu.be/cdk6cZtLXyY?si=eRKqxYgEKhHaPuXW


Veterans Against Reality Groups Coming To A City 🌆 Near You….

My Grandfather Served Under General Patton in Tunisia, Sicily, Italy https://memetrunk.com/armed-forces/post/i-think-my-grandfather-served-under-general-patton-BDY6ea7VPjL8Pun

Tom Trefts - 100% Disabled USAF Gulf War Grass Roots Veterans Activist / Former A-10 Jet Engine Mechanic , Veterans March Organizer , 20+ Years Vaccine 💉 Hazard ☣️, Gulf War Illness / Agent Orange 🍊 Research 🧐,

Veterans Against Treason Forum :


B.S. Business Administration 1984 * - Ashland University , Ohio , Minor in “ Marketing “…

Associates In Applied Science - Applied Jet Engine Technology - USAF 1991

Tom Asking Elena Danaan for PROOF of The Galactic Federation - https://www.facebook.com/story.php/?id=100047308394915&story_fbid=1203788947004864


Any World Patriot Can Join And Share Memes, Research


Grandpa Tom’s Warning ⚠️ To Shoot FEMA Agents On Sight For Christmas 🎄 https://rumble.com/v41byev-grandpa-toms-warning-to-make-sure-and-shoot-fema-agents-on-sight-for-christ.html

The Hanging Of Hillary Clinton - https://rumble.com/v2v9csk-the-hanging-of-hillary-clinton-dark-outpost.html

Tom’s Drum 🥁 Storage Area

1.) Beatles Medley- https://rumble.com/v3w3yma-beatles-medley-drum-challenge.html

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