Greatest Pharmaceutical Crime in Human History - 18 April 2024 - MP Andrew Bridgen

9 months ago

Discussed @8:45 by MP Bridgen, the following is dated 30 March 2021, please see Page 21 of 46, Paragraph 5.5 here:

Note that the following individual, Mrs. Jummai Nache, was double Pfizer poisoned ("vaccinated") on 13 January 2021 and 1 February 2021 . . . this was prior-to and during the secret contract signings, such as the one above (with South Africa) :

During this 2021 timeframe Pfizer CEO Mr. Albert Bourla and "academic collaborators" (Pfizer PR term used in their press releases) such as Cornell University clerk Ms. Martha Pollack were forcefully declaring that the modRNA needles were "safe and effective." Pollack was one of the "leaders" of Big Academia that threatened expulsion of their students that she/they labeled as "anti-vaxxers."

Mrs. Jummai Nache, a Medical Assistant, was threatened with employment dismissal by the Pfizer "academic collaborator" the University of Minnesota if she refused to submit to the "vaccine mandate."

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