What are the nesting dolls of our Milky Way galaxy?

6 months ago

In a fascinating exploration of cosmic structure, the concept compares the universe to Russian nesting dolls, where each layer or "doll" symbolizes different dimensions of reality, each maintained by specific cosmic entities. At the outermost layer, the Milky Way Galaxy is overseen by the Zolkin, followed by layers managed by the Galactic Federation and entities like the Andromedans and Syrians, who uphold the integrity of sound and vibration. Deeper still, the Pleiadians maintain realms of pure creation and joy, akin to a flow state, while the Anunnaki are depicted as guardians of the 4D space, responsible for guiding humanity post-cataclysm. This model extends down to the human species, custodians of the 3D realm, emphasizing a spectrum of qualities from benevolent to malevolent across all layers. Ultimately, this intricate system reflects a cosmic principle: the inner mirrors the outer, and each level is interlinked, stretching from the individual to the universal.

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#galaxy #illusions #realities

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