Calm before the storm, Get ready for the Battle, Biblical Truth, God Wins

10 months ago

We often hear the storm is upon us or the Storm is here. I believe that this time is the calm before the battle rages. Many truthers talk about the 3 days of darkness and the brink of World War, This is the time to get ready, spiritually, emotionally and physically so that we can be at our best no matter what happens.
We are living in very challenging times, we don't know if there will be a nuclear war, a civil war in the united states, great depression in the united states or even a military takeover of our corrupt federal government. I fully expect there'll be a financial reset then things will be worse before they get better. This will cause some people to do some really dumb things, because they are afraid and they panic. Other people may even kill themselves because they lose their money. Money doesn't buy joy, or happiness or any of the things that really make life worthwhile. True love does make everything better, so cling the Jesus who died on the cross to save us from our sins and to show us the way to joy and happiness in this world and the next by his example.
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