WATCH: Rothschild US Vetoes Palestine UN Membership as Russia Walks Out -- Admission of new members - UN Security Council Meeting [With Subtitles]

5 months ago

Video of the full U.N. Security Council meeting Thursday in which the U.S. vetoed full U.N. membership for Palestine as the Russian delegation walked out in protest before Israel’s speech. Joe Lauria reports.

The United States on Thursday vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations. Palestinian statehood was recognized by the U.N. General Assembly in November 2012 when it was given non-member, Observer State status.

Western media has incorrectly reported Thursday’s vote as one to determine Palestinian statehood. The resolution, sponsored by Algeria, was instead to grant full U.N. membership, with voting rights in the General Assembly, to Palestine, which is already recognized by 139 countries.

The United Nations therefore already recognizes Palestine as a state, as seen in the nameplate before Palestine’s U.N. Ambassador Riyad Mansour.

The U.S. defied 12 council members who voted for full membership by vetoing the resolution.

“It remains the U.S. view that the most expeditious path toward statehood for the Palestinian people is through direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority with the support of the United States and other partners,” said Robert Wood, the U.S. deputy ambassador. “We also have long been clear that premature actions here in New York, even with the best intentions, will not achieve statehood for the Palestinian people.”

Britain and Switzerland abstained. Switzerland had had Observer Status, the same as Palestine now enjoys, before it became a full member in 2002.

The resolution would have formally recommended to the General Assembly to admit Palestine, which would have become the 194th U.N. member state.

“It is time for Palestine to take its rightful place among the community of nations,” said Algerian Ambassador Amar Bendjama as he introduced the resolution. “Peace will come from Palestine’s inclusion, not from its exclusion.”

The United States was also one of only nine countries in 2012 to vote against Palestine’s Observer State status, which received 138 votes in favor with 41 abstentions. That vote allowed Palestine to join various U.N. bodies and agencies, including the International Criminal Court, where Palestine has brought a case against Israel.

Russia, which voted with the majority on Thursday for full membership, walked out of the meeting just before Israeli U.N. Ambassador Gilad Erdan was about to begin speaking.

“This won’t be a regular state. It will be a Palestine-Nazi state, an entity that achieved statehood despite being committed to terror and Israel’s annihilation,” Erdan then said, as his country continues to commit genocide in Gaza.

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