10 months ago

The People decide, not the Deep State!

Joe Briben autobiographical facts:
-He was a civil rights icon
-He was raised in the Black community
-He was raised in the Puerto Rican community
-He was raised in the Jewish community
-He was raised in the Greek community
-He was raised in the Polish community
-He was a heroic lifeguard who bravely faced down the dreaded “Cornpop”
-He was a once in a generation athlete in multiple sports, and he had “soft hands”
-He communicated with a dead Amtrak employee named “Angelo” about his legendary travel habits on the train
-He’s a rare intellect that “finished at the top of his class” in law school
-He has three degrees from college
-He was voted “outstanding student”
-His grandfather was consumed by cannibals on a remote island
-He was a big rig driver
-He was a letterman in sports
-He was a competent President with a working brain. The17Letter

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