Georgi Dinkov: Insulin Resistance, Obesity is an Endocrine Problem, Problems with Excess Cortisol

10 months ago

Source: Brian Gryn
April 14, 2023
#raypeat #bioenergetics

This week I interviewed independent health researcher Georgi Dinkov to discuss the bioenergetic viewpoint along with:

- True Causes of Insulin Resistance

- Problems with Stress and Fasting

- Fat vs. Glucose Oxidation

- Advantages of taking Niacinamide, Vitamin E and Aspirin

and certain markers to check for optimal health!

00:00 Glimpse
00:57 Intro
01:50 Welcoming Georgi Dinkov
02:47 Background
10:35 Bioenergetic Viewpoint
18:41 True Causes of Insulin Resistance
23:49 Can we lose excess fat without lowering the metabolic rate?
26:36 High PUFA, Chronic Stress
29:34 What is your way of solving this problem?
33:38 Cortisol to DHEA Ratio
35:30 Obesity, Stress and Fasting | Cushing Disease
40:59 What do you recommend to rev up Metabolism?
43:27 Eccentric and Concentric Exercises
46:20 Sugar Source | Moringa Oil
49:24 Carrot, Roots | Gut Health
51:58 Muscle Meats and Collagen
54:07 Desiccated Thyroid as a supplement
55:05 Temperature and Pulse
56:20 Calorie in-Calorie out
59:10 Best way to get the PUFA out | Vitamin E
01:02:39 Gut barrier
01:05:30 Fruits to avoid
01:07:38 Sugar's blame for a lot of things
01:10:10 Markers to check for optimal health
01:15:01 Supplements -
01:15:56 Vitamins K
01:18:32 Connect @
01:19:15 Outro

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