"Are Catholic NGOs Trying to Collapse Populations in Africa?"

9 months ago

Michael Hichborn of Lepanto Institute warns that the Catholic Church has turned a blind eye to the ‘industrialization’ of what used to be volunteer-run Catholic charities. Instead of being run by nuns and friars, as in the past, today, he notes, Catholic NGOs, including hospitals, are run by non-Catholics, often administrators, doctors and social workers, with agendas of their own that often contradict Catholic teaching. He cites a ‘Catholic’ NGO program in Lesotho and other African nations, that seeks to discuss masturbation and other ‘safe sex’ practices with minors as young as ten, and that promotes abortion as well as contraception. We discuss the fact that Catholic NGOs can offer tax deductions, and also receive government contracts and execute government agendas, without disclosure to the IRS. This allows billions of dollars to flow from unidentified and government sources through Catholic hospitals and charities - creating a situation ripe for money laundering. We also discussed the longterm negative effect on the status and attractiveness of the Catholic church, when people witness a gap between the Church’s stated doctrines and the contradictory actions of NGOs who use the ‘Catholic’ name.

Ironically, critics such as Hichborn are being called ‘anti-Catholic’, just as gay and Lesbian and trans critics of gender reassignment surgery for minors, are being called ‘anti-LGBT’ and just as black conservatives are being called ‘Uncle Toms’ and even ‘white supremacists.’

An important discussion that explains a great deal about how cultures are being pressured to change, worldwide.

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