correcting Naftali Bennet a luntic Zionist genocidal terrorist as he lies to students

9 months ago

almost every single thing he says is either a complete lie or fabrication of the truth.
eg Secular Zionists don't believe in religion yet are happy to use the bible as an excuse to steal land and genocide the native population when it suits them. They are using normal Jews as human shields so they can proclaim anti-Semitism.
Semites are those with a Semitic language such as Arabic as a mother tongue, this then excludes most Ashkenazi Jews who speak English, Polish, Yiddish etc as their mother tongue.
Genetically the majority of those who identify as Jews have no history in the Middle East, Palestinians are most likely decedents of Abraham, Jesus etc, DNA testing in Israel that would prove this is illegal.
Almost everything an "Israeli" says is a lie.
It is an illegal occupation and they have put the native populations in concentration camps ready for extermination or expulsion, contrary to the Balfour agreement and International Law.

By his own words this exposes the whole fraud the US and UK is backing

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