Shifts Happen –Series Six Session Twenty-One – Fearless Decisions

9 months ago

This is our first session of Series Six—Empowered Decisions, where you will align with the ability to make fearless decisions. These are not reckless choices, but rather inspired and guided ones.

This session delved deep into the transformative power of making courageous choices aligned with your soul's truth.

Now more than ever, people are faced with having to make big decisions—life-changing ones—because what they believed was their reality may have changed so dramatically.

Possibly it has broken down.

Do you relate?

You may have discovered truths about people, places, and situations that no longer align with your soul—yet how can you decide to let go and change direction?

You may believe that doing so has limits, that positive change simply won't be possible, or that any change is unsafe.

Many of us find ourselves confronted with challenging feelings, circumstances, and experiences that seem to shake us to our core. But what if I told you that these moments are not obstacles but gateways to profound growth, evolution, and success?

In the session, we explored the significance of recent celestial events like the solar eclipse and how this has activated divine internal transformation. The reactivity, vivid dreams, and emotional triggers experienced by many are all signs of an organic shedding of old identities that no longer serve our highest good.

What and how can your ascended 5D self rise to the occasion?

What would your life be like making choices that were your fastest path to your Highest and best outcomes?

If you would like to find out this is a must watch session!

Becoming a Shifts Happen Member will allow you to receive the full additions to this session, all of Series 6, plus 20 other transformational 4-part 90-minute workshop sessions.

👉You can see all the details here:

You can read the information part of this session on my Blog:

Much Love Mel ❤

I look forward to your comments and questions below.

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