9 months ago

The oil and coal industries LOVE these things.

None ask why the oil and coal industries aren't running ads telling everyone these truths. It's quite simple really. They're selling even more oil and coal for the manufacture of these and solar panels than if they were not being manufactured at all. Why would they advertise against their newest, best customers, who will continue to use even more oil and coal?
These are fair questions to ask. I hate having to go here. But I have to do something, because something must be done, FULL STOP!

If Jesus Christ was standing behind you right now, watching what you do on your computer: (Right now some are about to scroll by)

Would you do things differently?
Would you post or repost much of what you do?
Would your comments be less caustic?
Would you just scroll past doing nothing, while admitting something must be done?

What we do or do not when we think nobody is watching is the true measure or our character. What we do in public is often not but a show for everyone else. The wholesale rape and killing of small children is a $34 billion a year business, mostly done to hurt God, display power over God here on earth. Pretend somebody is watching. Pretend Christ is standing behind you right now, watching to see what you do or do not.


This is a list of what it takes to make this easy for everyone else do what no one denies must be done, FULL STOP!

1. Five different podcasts to inform everyone how we can end this.
2. Four Different Livestream shows to inform everyone how we can end this.
3. Established and manages a Crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to end this.
4. 90% of the earnings from my novel is to fund rescue missions to end this.
5. 100% of all ad sharing dollars and Rumble channel support is to fund those operations.
6. Created and manages an eBay Garage Sale to raise funds for those missions.
7. Twice weekly Livestreams of Constitution 101 to raise awareness and funds for those missions.
8. Gets quarterly Financials from over 80 groups who perform these missions, to know whose real.
9. Created three custom databases to track and direct those funds where they are needed most.
10. Monthly updates showing what monies have been raised, and where that went.
11. Over 60 hours a week is spent posting in over 100 groups, on five SM platforms.
12. For over 10 months now, I have been letting everyone know that each of these ways exist.
13. I wake up, spend my entire day doing one or multiple of these, then go to bed. I shall awake tomorrow and do it all over again.

Pretend Christ is standing behind you right now, watching to see what you do or do not.


Love And The Curse - Up to 90% of every dime earned pays for rescue missions - Sequel Coming Shortly

100% of all funds contributed to The Honey Money Project – To Bring Them Home

Garage Rescue - Donate things you just need to get rid of, don't need. We even offer a % split if you desire.

Every dime, 100% of ad revenue and Channel support from each of my Rumble channels.

#SaveTheChildrenSaveTheWorld #SaveTheChildren #StopTheHurt #DrainTheSwamp #FreedomConvoyUSA #TakeOurBorderBack #TakeOurBorderBackConvoy #BidenCrimeFamily #LetFreedomRing

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