Rothschilds Put Down, Canadian Special Forces Fight Against US Special Forces, Africa Next PLUS...

10 months ago

The Rothschild's are on the run and becoming an endangered species with just about 700 of the top ones left digging their claws to still be able to steer humanity away from the righteous of God's love.

Special forces are continuing to stop the mass-murdering in Haiti which has left ordinary citizens resulting into cannibalism. Please note that Haiti has been a mini-experiment to how the ruling class would like the rest of the world to behave to bring in the Great Reset.

US special forces are grabbing children in Haiti for organ & Adrenochrome harvesting whilst citizens simply try to survive.
Canadian and other special forces are now engaged and fighting these rogue US special forces under the command of the Rothschilds/Demons.

Intel suggests an event has been planned in Africa, we await for that to develop or be quashed by the Africans who are aware of this already 'No media cameras, of course', there all in the Middle East currently keeping most of the worlds attention where they want us to keep looking.

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Clip [MIRRORED] from with thanks to Benjamin Fulford for sharing.

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