Apatros Review Ep-0058: Darkhunters [2004]

10 months ago

AR-0058: I believe you horror fans out there would be familiar with "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City", right? Well, what if I told you that the hack who made that piece of bullhitsa was actually very well experienced in B-grade schlock since the early 2000s?
You're going to be surprised by that.
Johannes Roberts had started out making bad horror junkola in his native Britain and the film I'm covering here is his 2004 supernatural thriller "Darkhunters", about a female forensic shrink who has the ability to see dead people, only those lost souls are the result of routine accounting errors in the afterlife, so routine that it happens just as often as "getting a gherkin in your burger when you ordered one without".
Our protagonist lady shrink has to beat two bounty hunters [one who dresses up like a 1940s private eye and has scary fingernails worse than Da Hip Hop Witch; the other being a demon who has crappy CGI flames superimposed over his face & who speaks in [subtitled for our convenience] demonese] to a lost soul. The movie actually also features a topless female angel who can scare the crap out of you if you're not careful and a pretty decent for the budget opening credit animation sequence, although the ending credits are WAY too long.
Only recommended for Masochists.

My Grade: D [Bad]

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