Yellow Parakeet Does Not Like Yellow Highlighter, Keeps Knocking It Down

6 years ago

Parakeets are one of the most popular breeds of birds that people keep as pets. Most people known them as parakeets but they have another name and an adorable nickname to go with it. They are also known as Budgerigars with the nickname of Budgie.

Parakeets like many parrots come with strongly defined personalities and this little guy is full of SASS!

Budgies are the most common parakeet and the species of parakeet that you commonly see as pets in Europe and North America. Australia and South America have a number of different species of parakeet that range in size from quite small to as big as a small cat. Parakeets have an average lifespan of 5 to 13 years. For birds they are relatively easy to care for just requiring a newspaper-lined cage with several perches, food bowls and a water dish. They also like to play with toys including bells. Parakeets like many birds do require direct, unfiltered sunlight to get required vitamin D.

This bright yellow little bird is like the soup nazi of highlighters. No highlighter for you! Check him out!

Many parakeets actually enjoy hanging out with their humans and like to entertain. This can be done through whistles, chirps, some words and acts. This little guy appears to be both playing and denying yellow competition. He continually knocks down the yellow highlighter every single time the guy props it up. He even seems to do al little cocky dance halfway through the video. As if to say, “This is my house.” We enjoyed his strutting around after successfully knocking down the marker. Sassy pets are some of the most fun because they have big personalities and despite his size this parakeet has personality for days!

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