6 Nations Original as GI Jane Doe The Hoe The Chief Don't Know, Full Circle Brantford Pd!

9 months ago

This one was finished before finally getting a hold of the guy holding the car for the record but regardless is more or less tying it all together connecting the whole Orillia Ontario works drama that led me to Six nations reservation, to on the streets in Brantford going on 9 plus months here! It turns out said person holding the car figured i was on drugs so it's been said and took it upon himself to just stop answering me costing me yet more time and expense here that none of us really need considering the seriousness of our collective global situation! i have to say "J" from Six nations, i'm unsure if it was the whole jeebus lie truth your offended by (that now has been validated even more btw with even more dots connected/confirmed with Nanabush and other things White love explained) or you just have a short attention span to how serious things truly are but it truly blows me away how so many would just cast our women and children aside for what again? What, because you didn’t do years of research or are main witness to these things? What, because your just cold hearted like most these days that only really care about your own little bubbles? Then you have the nerve to say we agreed to how much again? Well to be clear the wrecker that arranged the set up told me $100 per month so you know, and second i have the email right here dated October 31, 2023 just after it was towed to where ever you have the car now and i’m expected to pay you $1500? So let me get this straight i’ve spent the last 6 years seeking help here spending well over $100 000 grand here now ffs with now even more expense fighting for our women/children, country and world (never mind the last 12 years with 5 youtube channels now lost, 3 linkedin accounts, 3 twitter accounts, 1000’s of videos lost, years of research spent, 1000’s of hours editing, dozens of devices blown up or lost/stolen and likely $300 000 or better in said time! 2 cars lost more or less! My 5th wheel! Storage unit in the west with all my personal things, multiple studio sets!) and you have the nerve to say i’m a drug addict? Then go on like i owe you how much again?
Well for now thanks to the vicious attack from Manny’s place staff and just healing from that and all the other bunk i’ll not waste my time explaining here again, i’ll leave it at this for now as i have bloody court here in several hours so i’ll get around to these things after i deal with that first! Which btw is all over the same shit YOU ALL SHOULD BE CARING ABOUT OUT THERE! Because to be clear i didn’t have to bloody do any of this and could have taken my settlement money and built myself a bloody log cabin in the bush and said screw you all! But hey i figured being a “human” meant we were supposed to look after each other but apparently not!
As far as arrangements to move the car “J” from six nations i’ll hope you answer me here shortly after i deal with court and other things with a video showing the emails with dates etc!

As far as you CSIS demons and satanic government officials reading here now bravo for throwing everything but the kitchen sink at me for sure at this so called “crazy” guy and funny i actually planned many times to get a hair sample test for the very reason so many have accused me of these things and i so would too about now but unfortunately for me you and your BELL creature culling terrorists have fried all the bloody hair off me now ffs so bravo like i say!

FYI for all those “smart” people grammar nazi’s out there, let it be known i shall not CAPITALISE my “i”s no, as i prefer walking on water thanx yup!
Walking on water jeebus lie aye Ms Goldfishy mash.PNG

So far as if there even is a “RICHARD” SMITH or not well who knows but i’d be willing to bet there isn’t but regardless you can clearly hear the bunk from the Six nations officer and without a doubt if a proper unfettered investigation was allowed to occur it would be clear as day to see every level that has trespassed against me here the last 6 years! And no Brantford Police service/Courts i wasn’t able to complete all that i wish i could for todays court date but it’s fairly simple actually at this point and is only a matter of time with or without me all shall be held accountable! As far as the spitting like a rabid llama cop let it be known that after doing this edit it occurred to me this officer did look different than the one that took the initial stolen phones report but hey as i suspect maybe she was vaxxed and was turned against me who knows! Regardless all that proof, and the patents that prove my claims is all out there to be found and coming to light so let’s hope the robed [BAR] one i see today chooses to be part of history! Rather than BEING RUN OVER BY IT LIKE!

Bravo trois rivers "5%" FEDERAL MINISTERS for chucking everything but the kitchen sink at me for sure! Oh shit there i went giving your CSIS tools another idea, oh well! We'll be sure to find out here soon enough just who those "ministers" are i'm sure and yes yes R.C.M.P i'm [Q]uite aware CSIS is useless as 9 tiats on a nazi's bull and more or less just a rubber stamp seeing as you've been caught so many bloody times being satanic garbage of the highest order known! We'll just give your rubber stamp agency head @CSIS the credit anyways though why not!

From infiltrators and plants, hackers to puppet cops like the 4 that pulled the christmyth eve abduction to now the recent fun at Manny's place and every other rotten trick in the book i'll not mention here, it would seem clear we have some desperate animals at every level & agency across this blood soaked demon ravaged land don't we BRANTFORD POLICE SERVICE?

UNDER SECTION 21 Just some of the OFFENCES are listed!
-conspiracy to commit/obstruction of justice for abduction/murder related cover ups

Annette Marie Evidence ORIGINAL


- conspiracy to commit/obstruction of justice in ongoing secret government experiments
- conspiracy to commit/obstruction of justice for global democide
- conspiracy to commit/obstruction of justice for high treason
- obstruction of justice - BELL MEDIA theft/fraud/assault with a weapon(s) causing bodily harm, attempted murder and murder if they get their way aye! To be clear robed [BAR] pigs!
- tampering with evidence/witnesses
just to name a few!

See links with pictures included in Drive link below_

Updated rumble about with new Brantford PD terrorist fun

And no FYI the above link still isn’t complete thanks to lack of time and resources here due to nonstop bunk further expanded thanks to this whole new issue with “J” at Six nations there that couldn’t just answer my bloody messages that now is going to cost me even more!

Funny too but not really eh Brantford PD that people are changing their stories now about that savage at Manny’s place eh? See more below_

Manny's Place Savage, [Q]tard Plants With Robbery & Abduction By Brantford Police Demon Puppets!

Six Nations related videos to add context to this video are linked below_

Tow Creature Seals The Deals For "god" And 6 Nations Borg'd Out Creatures!

Full Circle 1412 Alpha Omega , 6 Nations/tow creature Sealing The Deals For "god" Yay!

Sir A For Scotia Dealer A Short with links

From Ms A infiltrated to cryptic Ms M still going with the source hole i say!

Brantford Robbery Report, 223 Screw With a tow creature six nations fed shafting why not!

Brantford Robbery Report, 223 Screw With a tow creature six nations fed shafting #2

And for sure there is a crap load more links i could add but it’s 3:33 am here and i still have more to prepare for court should i even get any sleep here, and sorry for sure Brantford Provincial Court this stack of paper i’ll be bringing isn’t even .0001% of all the PROOF that could be delivered but as previously stated this is fairly simple thus we shall stick to HIGH TREASON and GLOBAL DEMOCIDE for now!

And for sure CSIS demons somebody should get ahold of "RICHARD" SMITH there at Six Nations Police service and be warning him that Morris creature is a risk to EVERYONE on the road to be clear!

The proof can no longer be denied either!

Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body



17 Million Murdered By COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death

5G Activate Borg Like Creature Aye, torba Skin Metric Cut Yup!

Would Have Went Anywhere And Done Anything For Y'all Indeed Aye!

"gods" Sun, Slow Kill Government Experiment Continues, jesse & jd Boot fkd Off The Charge Charge Cut!

Lost Angels Californication Secret Path With O.P.P/O.W fullerton Puppets Mash!

Some "biblical They"s For Brantford PD, With Blackrock Vanguard Public Storage Terrorist Fun!

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