RanDoM-Mark RanDoM Stand Up Comedy June-Sept 2018 (First 3 Months) #markrandom

10 months ago

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in June 2018 Mark RanDoM entered Stand Up Comedy in The NYC comedy scene. the entire genre of stand up comedy claims the worst performances of every single comic in history are their first open mics and or their first few years. the material you are watching is the most under developed/ uncooked and uncrafted compared to the all star legendary comics, BUT you are also witnessing is a prodigical comedy gawd which no stand up comedian in the history of existence was ever able to get the laughs, captivate the crowd energy in his delivery intune with the essance of comedy in their first few years let alone their first few months like Mark RanDoM has. Most stand up comedians will forever hate Mark RanDoM because he was better in his first 2 months than they were in their first 5 years, let alone half the 10 year comics still cant capitivate, express or deliver the soul that stand up comedy gawd MARK RANDOM Has. he is tha comedy gawd -RanDoM markrandom.com

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