🕑 THIS is the biggest waste of time you can save yourself from

10 months ago

🕑 THIS is the biggest waste of time you can save yourself from

Content is a volume game

But volume requires quality

And quality is only obtained through a system that allows you do to it in scale

For example we do first:

- Choose the formats for 60 pieces of content
- Make the script for all 60 pieces of content
- Dedicate 2 days of the month to record the videos
- Send it to the astra team to get them edited

And boom!


The clips we present in content mastery are edited by us but the raw clip belongs to their respective creators.


#alexhormoziquotes #alexhormozi #scalingyourbusiness #businessinsider #wellnesscoachlife #wellnesscoach #fitnesscoachonline #mencoaching #mindsetcoachingforsuccess #lifecoachtips #gymcoaching #psychologycoaching #productivitycoaching #businessgrowthtips #contentcreationstrategy

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