"Lazy Dog Licks Milk From Bowl While Lying Stretched Out"

6 years ago

"Every dog owner knows that dogs can be incredibly funny without even meaning to. Our canine companions are just so hilarious and we love them for that! If you need an example, just check out this priceless video! In the beginning, this video shows an adorable Husky dog having the best time enjoying the laziest day ever. Living his best life! To be honest, I envy him! He’s lying stretched out on his side on the floor not worrying about a single thing in the world! That’s a way to go! He didn’t even bother getting into a better position to get to his bowl. Moving his body is not an option for this lazy pooch. He can barely reach the milk with his tongue but he stays true to his own hilarious position. Isn’t he a sight to see? Laziness comes first! How funny is this Husky? Absolutely hilarious! He is my new spirit animal!"

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