Ep. 58: "Relevant Legal Cases Update"

10 months ago

Supreme Court Decision in FBI v. Fire made it crystal clear: Due Process is Above FBI Shenanigans with TSDB! https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-1178_p8k0.pdf

Here is a link to the recording of Oral Arguments in Kovac v. Wray that took place in the 5th Circuit on April 11, 2024 https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/OralArgRecordings/23/23-10284_3-11-2024.mp3

Link to Targeted Doctors Symposium April 12, 2024 in its entirety https://clouthub.com/p/ukN3ju8zin

My lecture at said Symposium is https://youtu.be/LN-YfjOA9T0?si=EI1b70l-6Hx4n7RE

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