The Empress a Earth Mother EMP Energy Vlog

10 months ago

The Empress a Earth Mother EMP Energy Vlog title is form the date Ampirl 18, 2024 thus we have 30 or #3 the Empress card a divine Female such as the Earth mother. The EMP electromagnetic Mass projection which can come from a x class CME or a nuclear explosion.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site showed us three Amplitude, the first was a power of 21 at 12:15 AM UTC thus we have The Moon going from the sign Leo to Virgo waxing to full over the World a completion, The second amplitude power of 16 at 9:50 AM UTC thus we have to have a temperance when we see the tower or structure of our society fall. The third and fourth amplitudes power of 12 at 4:00 and 4:30 Pm UTC Thus we have the Emperor sees the Hanged man's sacrifice as a boon for the empire. Then he send his chariot to the hanged man to get his change perspective. The quality power of 29 thus the Justice card calls for fairness, balance and may it apply equality to all. The frequency average of 7.69 Hertz thus 22 the fool card with it admonishment to be aware of where we go lest we take a bad leap of faith.

Therefore, we can say about all is the Empress as the Earth Mother or the world seek Justice for the Fool after his fall off the cliff on a poorly mark=ed path.
We shared a bit of Cliff High audio on substack which he revealed that the military believes the chemtrails will protect us from X class CME Which I feel is totally wrong since they are global affairs. They are not creating a faraday cage the only protection I know of from EMPs. We pulled the Salmon card from the Spirit Animal Oracle Deck Ascension Purpose inner guidance and Divine timing.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather News site:
Cliff High substacke audio:

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