Iran/Israel. Missouri goes after homeschooling. Police staffing. Central Bank doomsday book. Taxes..

10 months ago

Iran attacks Israel. Missouri goes after homeschooler families, why it should matter to you. Police staffing levels across the country are historically low especially in Dem cities - Seattle is really bad. WA's magazine ban declared unconstitutional and given and injunction and then stayed in historically record time. Did you know yhe Central Bank has a "doomsday" book? Well they do. Did you file your tax return? April 15th was tax day - make sure you pay your Master.

#israelwar #Iran #missleattack #Missouri #sb127 #homeschool #policestaffing #police #lawenforcement #democratcities #democratpolicies #centralbank #fed #economiccollapse #doomsdaybook #doomsday #magazineban #gunlaws #secondamendment #april15 #taxes #taxday #behindtheline #shtfnews #leftcoastnews #conservativepodcast #conservativeviews #conservativevalues #prep #prepper #shtf #survival

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