Subsea Operations Method Online Course Preview

10 months ago

The typical operation of subsea production system can be summarized as follows:

Oil, gas and water flow from wellbore to subsea tree, thence to jumper, manifold and flowline, before finally reaching a riser that pipes it to surface for processing. Pressurized reservoir fluid samples collected in an open hole wellbore may be analyzed at surface to characterize the physical properties of the fluids. An electrical submersible pump in a completed well propels reservoir fluids thousands of feet up to the wellhead and beyond. Subsea trees positioned at top of each completed well contain pressure control valves and chemical injection ports and a flow line jumper carries produced fluids from each subsea tree to the manifold, which commingles production from the wells before sending through a flow line to a platform. A subsea booster pump, located downstream of the manifold, pumps produced fluids along the length of the flow line and up the riser to the platform’s production deck. Umbilical lines from the platform run back to a subsea umbilical termination assembly before branching off to each wellhead and then to the manifold. The umbilicals supply electric and hydraulic power for wellhead or manifold control functions, and chemicals to suppress the formation of scale and hydrates in the production stream. The umbilical lines also carry bidirectional communications and control instructions between the platform, wellhead and downhole devices.

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