Human Doers

10 months ago

Who do you serve? Why are you doing what you are doing? Do you consider yourself a “workaholic”? I am just full of questions today! 😜 It is really good to have a little bit of introspective thinking 🤔 about our lives. I am thinking that we human beings in our human condition, can very easily drift into being “human doers”!

Why would God create such a beautiful world if He did not want us to stop and enjoy it? Doing, doing, doing… this is what we do! We keep ourselves so busy that we exhaust our soul. It is so easy to step out of serving God to serving no power higher than self! Apart from God, we can do nothing truly good and lasting and we will run ourselves amuck. That is the human condition of us “human doers”! We are busy, busy, busy…

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones. Proverbs 3:5-8

Do you feel soul exhausted today? Do you have too much on your life plate? Who is putting things on your life plate, your “to do list”? Is it you or God. Are you getting tired of all my questions!! Hmmmmm… just checking in with your heart. I know what it is like to get so exhausted that you crash and burn! I would like to spare you from that. So, my questions have a good motive!

Would you consider yourself as a “human doer” just stepping out and doing it, anything and everything that presents itself as a need that you feel you need to meet. Are you a “Fixer”? Pretty sure we are not “The Fixer” Because God is the Fixer and we are not! The best choice of life is to bring God into your choices. To acknowledge God in all of your ways, letting God navigate you, letting God tell you what to “do”!

Let Be… Let go, let God! In order to do that, we need to let go of the grip of on our plans, and yield our “doings” to God. We are not “human doers” we belong to God, and He does as we follow after Him. We are “human beings” being found in God. Listening up to God, asking God: What do you want me to do? Always, God wants you to “Yield” to Him, to lean into His Sovereign Sway, and go with flow of followship of Him. God is always instructing us, there is never a moment where we are not led by God and that is why it is easy to Yield our way to God to be a human being, found being in God, not a human doer, doing our own thing.


Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, My Chosen One; listen and obey and yield to Him!” Luke 9:35

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